TCM - modular commentator terminal

(click on photo to enlarge)
The TCM is an multifunction unit , designed to be used in the commentator station and is composed by 10 pull-out sliding drawers.
Starting from the left side of the frontal panel we find:
1 and 2 module
- Video Equalizer Distributors with double circuit 1x2, in practice each of them has two indipendent sections. They are equipped with an loop through input and 2 outputs.
The possible regulations for each of the four distributors are: GAIN, HF (High Frequency) and LF (Low Frequency).
3 module
- Video Switcher 4x1: allows to commute 4 inputs on an video output.
4 and 5 module
- Microphone Amplifiers, with dual indipendent section, they accept microphone levels (-50 dB) and line levels (0dB). These modules have a desactivable limiter and a potentiometer for output audio level adjustment, available on TX1L out and TX1R out..
The output signal of these 2 modules is sent to Stereo Audio Switcher 3x1, the output of the Switcher 3x1 is connected to the Power Amplifier module
Every module can receive 2 mono channels or 1 stereo channel..
6 module
- Audio RX is a module for a stereo line input o for 2 mono input which allows to adjust the incoming audio signal level on RX1L IN and RX1R IN connectors (active loop through inputs). Inputs and outputs are transformer isolated.
7 module
- Power Amplifier. At the input of this module there are output signals from the Audio Switcher Module through which are selected signals coming from Audio RX e Microphone Amplifier modules. The output signal is send to LEFT OUT and RIGHT OUT connectors and it is adjustable via GAIN LEFT and GAIN RIGHT potentiometers. Moreover the same signal can be listened on headphone on Headphone 1 and Headphone 2 outputs and each of them has its own GAIN adjustment.
8 module
- Stereo Audio Switcher 3X1: allows to select, through a keyboard, the following sources: the two Microphone Amplifier modules (IN1 e IN2) and the Video Switcher module (IN3). The signal of the selected source is inserted in the Power Amplifier module.
9 and 10 module
- Power Suppliers. They are two parallel power suppliers that provide to the apparatus the following voltages: + 12 VDC, –12 VDC, + 5 VDC. In case one of two power suppliers is damaged, the TCM working is granted and is not interrupted.
The apparatus is built in a 3 RU 19" metallic container.
(click on photo to enlarge)
In accordance with constant improvement policy of products, El.Man (Elettronica Mangione) reserves the right to modify without notice and at any time, features and prices of its own apparatus.